Jocelyn’s Story


My name’s Jocelyn, and I’m over 2 years clean.

Before I came to Come as You Are I was a very broken 24-year-old girl. I struggled with addiction for ten years. I came from a really good home but often felt like I couldn’t fit in anywhere.

I struggled with anxiety as a teen and the feeling of hopelessness felt like a dark cloud hanging over me.

I nearly lost my life to my addiction and ended up in a detox centre. My family, desperate to get me help, called around and by the grace of God, someone recommended Come as You Are. From detox to Come as You Are I was still unsure If I wanted to get clean. I was willing to try though. I’m so glad I stuck around! Come as You Are was a safe place for me to understand my addiction. Life Skills class taught me so much! I looked forward to the classes because they always left me in deep thought and reflection. The daily walks and meditation filled my soul and were a big part of my finding inner peace.

Today my life is better than I could have ever even imagined! I have so many fun hobbies I picked up. I love to rock climb, go on hikes, and visit with my friends. I have such a fun job managing an ice cream shop kitchen. I’m in a loving relationship and treated well. I have respect for myself today and choose to live life to the fullest free from drugs and alcohol.

The greatest gift I have is peace in my life today. I have found acceptance and through that, I have deep and meaningful connections in my life and am happy to be alive and live this beautiful life with joy and adventure.

With contentment and peace,

Jocelyn – 26 years old